Our research

In Ireland, about 480 people are diagnosed with primary brain tumours every year. Brain tumours can shorten life span and cause many problems. Research tells us that such problems can respond to rehabilitation, but it can be difficult for brain tumour survivors to find and access rehabilitation services.
This research aims to improve rehabilitation services by gathering information on the complex and lifelong needs of people with brain tumours.

Phases of Brain-Restore

The project will involve a multidisciplinary team of researchers and will take place in stages.

Stage 1

Stage 1

This phase will look at previous research on rehabilitation for people with brain tumours and also analyse information from brain tumour databases.

Stage 2

Stage 2

In the second phase, we will get the perspectives of the healthcare professionals who care for people with brain tumours on current rehabilitation services and how they may be improved.

Stage 3

Stage 3

The third stage will involve assessing the symptoms and problems of people who have been diagnosed with a brain tumour. We will also find out from them and their families about the difficulties they encounter and the services they would find helpful.